Monday, August 19, 2013

The Big Rock Canadian Bacon Mountains

"We woke up this morning to another fantastic sunrise on the Magpie River, in Wawa Ontario. We got up early so we could pack all of our wizard gear, but amazingly, Leonard just snapped his fingers and all of our our stuff started packing itself like The Sorcerers Apprentice. So, needless to say, BAM, we were on the road."

After a few hours heading West to Thunder Bay, we suddenly found our selves driving through the Big Rock Canadian Bacon Mountains, where we passed giant slabs of bacon on the highway!
"Too bad we are vegetarians" said Xelba.
"But I'm not!" shouted Leonard, "pull over now!"

After a few more hours, we needed to stretch our wizard legs (because we don't have a spell for that), so we stopped at the Aguasabon River Gorge, where Leonard told us an interesting story about the history of the area and the Hydro dam nearby, but we couldn't hear a word because he's a gnome and the falls were massive.

"Behold! The Aguasobon Falls! Let's shower together!" Leonard said. And we proceeded to do so as the mist washed our magical limbs.

"After an uneventful passing through Thunder Bay (us wizards are too keen on big cities), we started heading North and curiously happened upon a band of California Raisin hitchhiking to California?  Worried about their safety in rural Northern Ontario, we quickly picked them up and proceeded rock out with this charming bunch of dried fruit."

"Finally, we arrive at out campsite in Wabigoon, Ontario, where Zactus and Leonard took a load off and discussed the interesting story about the development of Whistler, BC, told by Xelba."

"After a nice meal, we went down to the dock on Lake Wabigoon to check out the sunset.  Suddenly, we heard a faint "rrraaaarrrkhhh" sound coming from the bulrushes. We looked down and found another little gnome creature that has somehow mutated into a hideous swamp monster. Xelba and I were frightened, but Leonard quickly talked the creature down, and convinced him to join us on our quest."

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