Saturday, August 17, 2013

Did you know that wizards are just really tall gnomes?

Greetings human beings!  You have entered the world of two wizards named Xelba and Zactus, who in actuality, are just giant gnomes blessed with magical powers! These very tall Gnomes have had many adventures that have taken them all over this planet and many others. Interestingly enough, these two fascinating sorcerers have been found wandering the vast lands of Canada in search of their mysterious and tiny ancestors, the Gnomes.

Among making spells and potions, turning stuff to other stuff, and blowing many humans minds, one of their favorite hobbies is "Gnome whispering."  They both love traveling around the globe making the secret "call of the Gnome" in order to beckon these elusive little creatures from their homes and hiding spots. After they have discovered one of these adorable little guys, they like to have an amusing chat, share a tasty beverage, and sometimes, an adventurous gnome will invite them to travel about their realm. One such magical journey was when they met Voltos, an Icelandic gnome who showed them his stomping grounds, documented here....

Anyway, that was all in the past.  Let's focus on the present shall we?  Xelba and Zactus are about to begin an EPIC QUEST ACROSS THE MAGICAL LAND OF CANADA!!!  They were visiting their human parents in the kingdom of Gravenhurst, Ontario, where they were partaking in several average human activities, when something miraculous happened: They came across a little Gnome named Leonard the Great Canadian Gnome!

Here's an intro, just to let you gnome...

"We were practicing our Gnome Whispering out in forest and all the sudden, out popped this curious little creature. He introduced himself as Leonard, and he explained that he is a the Grant Gnome Chief and Warden of the Land of the Great White North: Canada. We told him of our quest to venture West and not only did he offer to show us his home, but he said he would be our guide across this mystical country!"

"The first thing he showed us was his home, a place he called Mount Muskoka, which we mistook for a log sitting outside our human parent's bad."

"He then proceeded to tell us of how he became the Grand Gnome Chief by receiving training from the Great Tree Spirit of Lake Muskoka, which I mistook for a plastic sculpture hanging in a tree...OK, I was a little off my Wizard game, but I am still just a tourist in his land so gimme a break..."

"Next, Leonard introduced me to his uncle, Captain Kenneth Jack Jr. who spoke the language of the majestic ducks and is captain of his very own ship, 'The Rub.'"

"He then we had the pleasure of joining the distinguished Captain on a little joy ride on Lake Muskoka (which must feel gigantic to these little guys)."

"Lastly, before preparing for our long voyage, Leonard insisted that we meet his beastly protector and trusty steed, Jasmine."

"Now we must get a good night sleep to prepare us for the long journey ahead with our new friend, Leonard the Great Canadian Gnome."

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