Monday, August 19, 2013

Wawa Wacky Wizardry!

"6:30 am: our magic alarm goes off, I struggled to open my eyes, let out a wide yawn and sat up in amazement to find little Leonard staring at me from the foot of my bed, packed and ready to go! "Come quick!" He said, "I gotta show you somptin.  We must look upon one more majestic Muskoka sunrise before we go."  I said, "OK."
"Oh, the majesty!"

"Shorty after this miracle of nature, we hit the road in Xelba's VW Jetta we have fondly named Puppy. It felt like it took 3 hours or so to leave "The Muskokas" because there are so many lakes along the way. Eventually we stopped in Sault Saint Marie, which Leonard claimed was the Algoma's Friendliest City.  We literally had no idea what he meant, but he seemed very happy to show us this gateway sign."

"We kept driving North from Sault St. Marie, and saw so many MOOSE XING signs, that we were constantly looking out the window in search of these elusive beasts, but only found bitter disappointment, as my good friend and fellow wizard, Jonny Canuck once experienced on the same route. Finally Leonard piped up and said, "oh, you wanna see a moose?"
"Yeah, Where?!" we replied.
"OK, I'll show you" said the booming little gnome voice, and he pointed towards a road stop with a store that said Canadian Carver.
"I'd like to introduce you to my friend Bruce." said Leonard
"Oh, very cute. Let's go" Xelba replied."

"We kept runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen our loads, and soon passed through Lake Superioir Provincial Park, which was quite a stunning drive. We stopped a gorgeous little beach, and finally took a load off for a bit."

"Behold! The Lake of Superiority!" announced Leonard.
"Are you sure it's called that?" Questioned Zactus.

"After a long day of driving, we finally arrived at our destination for the night, The Wawa RV and Campground, where we nestled into a quaint campsite next to the Magpie River. It felt good to finally get out of the motor vehicle and relax, eat some chili, build a fire, read some scrolls and rest up for the next day!"

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